How to be a man who loves Jesus, Taking off the mask.
Oct 31, 2021 • Kal Busman
One of the most dominant issues in our society today is the question; “What does it mean to be a ‘real’ man?” We see so many poor examples, have seen, and continue to see, such boorish abusive behavior by men. And in worst case scenarios have watched so many men crash and burn. This can primarily be traced to awful unrealistic expectations we place on men. And also behavior we turn a blind eye to and allow, because it accomplishes goals that we genuinely care about. So, without going into much more detail let’s unpack this first thought.
What does it mean to be a ‘real’ man in our culture?
What does it mean to not be a ‘real’ man in our culture?
Why do you think these are the beliefs we have about maleness in our society?